
Yoga, breath, prayer - these three things have the ability to heal our wounds, ground our spirit, and deepen our connections to ourselves, our God and our world. Frequent pauses devoted to mindfully integrating the body and mind, to realize the significance, compassion and sustenance hidden gently within our breath, and to realize the magnificence of the reality that we are held, known and surrounded by a Great Love has the ability to change our hearts, our minds, our muscle memory and in time the entire life we live. Join me in continual process of coming to know the safety, love, and grace already present in the life and body we live within. Grace, peace & hope, Rachel

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Wednesday Mar 18, 2020

We all need a little more moments of comfort & care in our lives at this time. May you find that space with this short listen anytime & anywhere you need. 
The compress is a practice that Richard Rohr talks of in some of his meditations, podcasts & books with the CAC. I used adapted his idea & practice here. 
Follow yogabreathepray on facebook for more

Sunday May 05, 2019

We are all worthy of love and belonging. We don't have to earn this, we can't mess it up. It is given to us before we were born and will be true of us no matter what we think, feel, say, do. It's whether we believe this about ourselves or not that has the ability to change the way we live our lives. This practice will help us all clothe ourselves in this given worthiness and love. It will help calm our bodies and nervous systems from feeling seen, felt and loved again no matter what has happened. Use this practice anytime you need a little extra acceptance and reconnection to your goodness.
Thank you for listening.
Grace, Peace & Namaste.
I intend to expand the practices I offer beyond this medium in the future. Please visit and or follow @yogabreathepray on social media for new expanding practices when they are available.
If this podcast impacted you or continues to at all, there are costs associated with it and your becoming a patreon or donating will help this work continue to grow and be available. Donate through the links on and you will be part of making this work available. Each of you matters!
If you've not done so yet, I highly recommend reading Brene Brown's book The Gifts of Imperfection where she shares research on all of the concepts I've created practices to help internalize. This book is life-changing in my own life:
Thank you again dear ones. Live brave. Live true. Live loved. God's got you.

Sunday Apr 28, 2019

One of the beautiful things about being a human and having a life is having a body. We can't deny that it's a part of our whole self. And somewhere along the way we forget how good it is to have a body. We hold shame in them through past hurts, messages or labels that stick with us. But that is not our fate or truth. Our truth is that God made us embodied. Our truth is that before we knew any different, it was a joy to have a body - to breathe, to smile, to laugh hard, to sing loudly, to dance free, stretch and move around. As kids we loved them! As adults, we can remember this. We can re-member ourselves in our body. Through moments like this one, we can pause, feel deeply the goodness of our bodies right now, remember and embody past times we felt great in them, and slowly over time with practice, enjoy having a body - this body! - once again. Give yourself time. Practice a little everyday, and in time, it's my prayer and trust that you will find you love this skin you're in a little more. Trust it. You are beloved.
Grace, Peace & Namaste.
Please connect with me at where you can sign up for e-mails so you can be informed about anything outside of this podcast in the future that is released. You can also connect with me on facebook and twitter where you'll find links to these meditations and encouragement. And please donate to keep this podcast going in the future. Your support is what will make that possible!
Recommended reading is Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection. Her 10th guidepost in that pivotal book is on laughter, song & dance and reclaiming them in our lives and why that matters. Go grab it and dive in deeper for more on this subject from today's podcast.
Thanks for listening!

Monday Apr 22, 2019

We are so uniquely and wonderfully made. Each of us comes into this world created with unique gifts & talents and things that make us feel most alive, filled with meaning and purpose when we do them. Somewhere along the way we may stop doing those things, living out of messages we've picked up of who we "should" be instead, or "should" do instead. Let's all pause. Take a moment to remember times when we felt most alive, doing something we love to do. Let's see what messages may get in the way, and in seeing them, have the power to choose whether we will live from them or our truer, deeper, voice. May we all in time, continue to do the things we love most and bring the gifts and talents only we can bring to this beautiful God-filled world! You are enough. What brings you joy brings our world and the God who made you even more when you do them.
Grace, peace & Namaste friends.
The research on this topic of cultivating meaningful work and reclaiming the messages that hold us back from that is from Brene Brown's incredible book The Gifts of Imperfection. I highly recommend you read and digest her work.
If this podcast is one that you find nourishes your soul, help keep it going through donating even as little as a dollar or becoming a Patron:
You can also sign up for e-mails if you'd like to be informed of future works on
Thanks so much for listening! May you be well. May you soak in your truth of how beloved, whole and enough you are now, right now, and always.

Sunday Apr 14, 2019

We all need calm & stillness to be our healthy selves. One moment has the ability to loose the chains of a spiraling mind or emotion. A practice of them can change us into our calmer, more grounded and interiorly still and buoyant selves.
Your taking a moment to practice this meditation, once or as often as you like will help create the calm & stillness your heart, mind & spirit long for.
I truly hope and pray that this practice becomes a life-giving tool for you so you can become all that you are no matter what happens in and around you.
Grace, Peace & Namaste
If this practice and others I've created benefit your life and heart, please visit where you can connect with me, donate to allow this work continue, sign up to stay in touch with new content and become a patron at $1/month or more for benefits.
You matter. Your practice matters. The impact of a calmer more grounded you is greater than you'll know.
Recommended reading: Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection:
Brene shares the research on Calm & Stillness being essentials to helping us live our fullest most wholehearted selves.

Sunday Apr 07, 2019

In our fast-paced culture it's so easy to forget we are not what we do or what we own. Our lives can feel stressful, anxious, and exhausting like we cannot keep up or get enough done. We must pause. Must must allow ourselves to rest, renew and create spaces to be open again to just being to remember on the deepest level we are human beings, not human doings. We will all feel our healthiest, most alive, joyful and whole when we actively cultivate practices of pausing from our doing and earning and allow ourselves to just be. May we all through pausing, allow our hearts, minds, and spirits remember we are enough, we can let go of our needs to achieve our worth and remember we already have it. May we all enjoy life to the fullest this week and every week.
Thank you so much listening! Your doing so matters. The more you practice, the more you grow, the more you allow yourself to live from your center and that in turn helps others live from their's.
Grace, Peace & Namaste,
Recommended Reading: Brene Brown's Gifts of Imperfection research and teaching proves what I share from her findings here - cultivating play and rest, and letting go of productivity as self-worth are essential to fully wholehearted and fully alive with joy!
If this work helps you find the rest you need, recenter, find a grounding in your being, or a little more lightness to your heavy spaces, please rate, review and donate to keep the work going and impact more lives around us all. Thanks so much for listening, for doing this for your Spirit and those you will impact from being a little more grounded and loved yourself. You matter. Your practice matters. Grace is here.

Sunday Mar 31, 2019

You are creative. Creativity is inherent in our design. Throughout life we lose that along the line. We are told we aren't creative or we compare ourselves to others who we deem as such. But in reality, before all of the messages sunk in we created and we still do. We create the stories we live by, the routines we have, the outfits, meals, ways of communicating, spending and so much more. We are endlessly creative and we are not stuck in whatever habits, messages or ways of being hold us back from being our fullest expression of ourselves. We can recreate all of these things and more. So let's pause. Let's remind our bodies and spirits of our power over our lives and breathe towards all we want to recreate.
Combine this with the Spirit's creative power in you, and you can fully become all you were meant to be. In time. With God's help. Let's all be find life anew.
Thank you so much for listening and taking this time for your whole self. If you feel grateful for this work and how it's helped you or you would like to see it continue, please support through becoming a Patron for $1 or more.
Your connection matters. Your inner work matters. You are making this world a better place simply by being fully alive within.
Thanks so much friends. I'm grateful for you.
Grace, Peace & Namaste,
Recommended Reading: Brene Brown's work The Gifts of Imperfection for research and beautiful life-changing wisdom on why creativity matters in our lives.

Sunday Mar 24, 2019

Certainty may feel like a higher sense of knowing, but in reality it constricts us and keeps us from the bigger, wider life of faith and higher guidance. By pausing, mindfully resting in the realization our lives are already held, guided and supported we can let go a little bit; ease our tension around needing to control. And when we do, we can take beneficial risks again, be braver, calmer, more trusting of this whole thing working out for our good as we realize God's already doing that and we can sense it in our very breath & body.
Thanks for taking this time for you, your life & the lives of those around you. You matter. Your practice matters. You are held and you can let go of what holds you down. Slowly, gently, by grace.
Thanks for listening friends.
Grace, Peace & Namaste.
I truly hope you find a little more rest in your spirit through these meditations. Please rate & review the podcast if you find it beneficial to help reach others in the same way you've been reached. Become a patron of YogaBreathePray on Patreon to make this podcast possible to continue feeding you and all who listen:
Thanks so much friends.

32 - A Gratitude Practice

Sunday Mar 17, 2019

Sunday Mar 17, 2019

The more we can pause, let go of our story lines that feel like they are protecting us - stories of how we won't have enough, be enough or there isn't enough - we realize just how good life actually is already and always. Pause anytime to practice gratitude and notice the joy it sparks. The more often we pause, the more often we savor and appreciate the little things, the more relaxed in our lives, our skin, our surroundings we become and the more joy and appreciation we have. Life moves fast. Let's enjoy it.
Grace, Peace & Namaste friends!
Thank you so much for listening. If this meditation benefits you at all, you want to see it continue or help others, please become a part of making it possible. Donate $1 to support the work at
I'm so grateful for you taking the time to do this, for yourself, for your heart, and also for all of those around you who will benefit from you being a more relaxed, joyful, calm, grateful human being. Together, we can change our worlds.
If you have any questions or want to go deeper, please visit
I highly recommend your reading Brene Brown's book The Gifts of Imperfection where she goes into the research behind gratitude and how it increases our joy and changes our lives.

Sunday Mar 10, 2019

Not every emotion or experience in life is easy. And that's natural. We have all that we need to lean into the discomfort, to find flexibility in disappointment, to weather every experience. The more we practice feeling all that arises, the more resilient we realize we are and can be. Connect with your breath, connect with God and others and trust you can feel and experience all that this beautiful, messy yet wonderful life brings your way. It's all a part of being human.
Grace, Peace & Namaste friends
Thank you for listening! I truly hope and pray this helps you move through the world a more whole, grounded, connected you. Please take a moment to rate, review and share this if you find it helpful. To keep this work going, please say thank you by becoming a patreon for $1/month to make it possible.
You are a gift. Each and everyone of you.
Breathe deep. Trust the process. Reach out. Keep going.
Recommended reading: For more on the resilience research that inspires me and the science behind building hope, please read Brene Brown's book The Gifts of Imperfection:

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